
Showing posts with the label programming

How to use HTML lists elements

 In one of my posts, I taught you how to make table and I also stated that table can be use to hold items or names of people. But in case you are not okay with table, you also have html lists elements. What really make list interesting more than table is that, you can choose to number it or use bulletin. Although, you add those numbers and bulletin too in table but you do it manually, while with list elements, it will be added automatically. There are two types of html lists. The ordered html list and unordered html list. Below are the lists elements; Ordered html element. <ol> </ol> List html element. <li> </li> Unordered html element. <ul> </ul> List html element.<li> </li> Now let's move into the real practical part of the list making. ordered html list example; <! html DOCTYPE> <html> <head> </head> <body> <ol>  <li> Love </li> <li> Life </li> <li> Light </l...

CSS attributes and their effect

  Today I want us to discuss about css attributes and their contribution to the language. Without these attributes css can't do much. But these attributes are not the much important tools for css. The styling language has bounce of elements to work with, but I bet, there are so many you will always skip when designing website. So very quickly, let me list the attributes we are to discuss now. Id attribute class attribute style attribute Maybe along the way you might come across more attributes, but these are ones we are going to talk about. Now let me explain one after the other. The id attribute is css attribute or tool use for naming html element for separate styling purpose.  The class attribute does same work with the id attribute. You use the class attribute in place of id, same thing to class. The style attribute actually seems like html attribute, but it actually belong to css.  The style attribute helps us style a single element within the element. Why I said it s...

JavaScript vs PHP

 So much confusion among new babies programmers. I have heard people talked so much about JavaScript and php. They often compared the two programming languages. So today, I want to briefly explanation about their differences. I will talk what php can do and cannot do and also things programmer can do with JavaScript and can't do. First, let's look at what JavaScript can do that php cannot do. JavaScript is front end programming language, while php is band end programming language. The word front end meaning dealing with web ages off from server side. A programmer can use JavaScript to build web page animations, styling web page and can even send input field content to php. Things JavaScript can do; Making animations Styling pages Sending form data to php Fetching content from php Making web page auto refresh Things JavaScript cannot do; Can't fetch content from server direct Can't send form data to server direct If a programmer use JavaScript, HTML and CSS to make a web...

Building php user refer system

Hey guys, I just built php mysql refer system from scratch. I decided to share the source code with you here. Before I'll leave everything for you, I'll explain everything one after the other. Before I start explaining the code below. I did share sign up source code here. html linking tag php like button system php mysql delete statement JavaScript WYSIWYG rich text editor Computer shortcut keys Responsive web design Fetching php mysql data randomly I assume you already have users registered in your website. They even have access to login their accounts. As a developer, allowing users to login, you need to start seesion and store the user ID in it. Why we do so is because every user has unique ID in the database. So with the little above explanation, I've already stored the logged in user ID in session. Using that unique ID number, I fetched the row matching that unique ID. Get hold of the username and make a link...

How to update Already Inserted User Data Using php mysql

Editing/updating data in server is unexceptional. In daily basis, we make use of Facebook post edit feature, changing password, name, picture, age and much more. I like to tell everyone following this blog or reading through my posts that this blog is not for entertainment but to educate and develop you for future purpose. So don’t expect funny write up when reading through my blog posts. some useful tutorials: Building JavaScript WYSIWYG Text Editor From Scratch How to Make Facebook Kind of Like Button Using PHP Programming Language How to Get Value from URL Using PHP Programming Language So quickly let’s go into explaining the code below. In this tutorial I assured you already have your user data inserted. What we are dealing with is to edit/update those user information. Note: I’m going to do this in a way that each user limited to only updating his/her own data. So in this case each user has unique ID. The ID is what I wi...

How to Delete Record From Table Using PHP MySQL

Allowing users to deactivate/delete their account, to delete post/article and even friend and unfriend system however require the PHP MYSQL delete query if you’re dealing with PHP MYSQL database. To delete post, user account all require this same delete query. So in this tutorial I’ll be showing you how to delete post from table using MySQL delete query. some useful tutorials: Building JavaScript WYSIWYG Text Editor From Scratch How to Make Facebook Kind of Like Button Using PHP Programming Language How to Get Value from URL Using PHP Programming Language Reading on I hope you already have your database, table created and some pretty records inserted in it then next is for us to get our hands dirty with the coding process. Everything is going to be put in same web page. So I have a DATABASE name -> delete and a TABLE name -> record. My table has three rows: post_id, post_title and post_content. post_id ...