Best steps to improve your web design skill

step by step guide on how to improve web design skill

The design play very important role in both web And mobile app. Without a good understanding user interface (UI) all of your functional scripts is useless.

Amazing accessing a website and you find it difficult to carry out any task due to poor design (UI). Can you return back to that same website the next day? I guess your answer will be "NO" because no benefit browsing such annoying website.

The design of web or mobile app is the primary presentation to your audience. Failure to present it in a understandable manner will keep off returning audience despite the value of your site content or popurse.

To  make your audience happy, tell them what the site is all about with the design. Make it very simple by making your site navigation bar easy and friendly.

Stop Using Already Made Source Code

As a self taught programmer, I'm active in more than 10 Facebook programming groups. In these groups I noticed that some programmers only depend on already made code. When a group member share design screenshot, they'll rush after the member asking for source code of the design.

To me the power, idea of making news things is in you. You don't have to beg for someone else code to use, instead let you be the one to share out source code to others.

To improve yourself, stop asking people to send you code. Write code yourself, practice everyday.

Ask Other Web Designers To Review Your Design And Give You Feed Back

Don't always tell yourself the design is OK. Ask other web designers to review your design and tell you things you done better and Areas you still need to put more hard work.

You can also ask non web designers to review your design, but sincerely, 90% of non web designers will tell you that your design is good because they see nothing bad since they have no idea on how to make it. But they can help in improving your design skill since they're the end users.

Make At Least One New Design Everyday

According to Quincy Larson, the founder of Freecodecamp. Coding everyday is a good move of improving yourself.

Never get tired of writing code. Always be excited when writing code.

As you code everyday, you'll learn new things because the field of web design & development is the journey to endless learning.

Learn From Your Past Mistakes

This is another way to know if you're improving or not. Get a screenshot of your past designs, compare your new ones with old ones and see the result yourself.

This way, you don't need someone to tell you the best.

If you notice that the old designs is far more better than the new ones, then you need to put more work sleeplessly.

Make Design Of Other Websites You Know Without Copying Their Source Code

Ideas will not start falling upon your head immediately you start learning web design. To me this is very point where every beginner should start by making similar designs Like Facebook, Twitter and other popular sites to improve more.

At this point I'll advise not to copy their source code, but make designs similar to  the above mentioned sites.

Force Yourself To Design Things You Find Difficult To Design

Those things you think you can't design are the things you can force yourself to design and improve yourself.

Learn those elements, frequently use them when making new design.

Nothing is above your reach if you're ready to work harder. Search new things, always keep yourself updated with the latest thingsthings around.

Read Other Designers Codes

Develop habit of reading other designers source code. Read and understand them. This is another great way to improve your web design skill.

Use Icons In Your Design

It has proven that apps with icons attract people more than apps with plain text. Learn to use web icons in the menu barbar and other places.

Try avoid wrong granmer in you pages.

Join Web Design Communities

Chat with your fellow designers, make friends, ask question on things you have no idea. Tell some designer friends to give you some design task.

Share your past design work on online chat rooms. Record feed back and label Areas you're still weak and take time to work on them.

Help other web designers that you are better than. Helping people both online and offline will keep your skill improving rapidly.


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